Back Squats For Days

Yesterday, Fran and I had it out. She won this round. Life goes on. End of story.

Today we did something we haven’t done before on a strength day – lots of reps with lower weights mixed in with heavier attempts. It was interesting. And I like back squats, so I was all in.

Got there for an 8:30 WOD with Coach Drea. My wife Ev had the day off, so she joined me, and we also had Todd, KC, Mike, Ashley, Maria, Sam, and Lyle. Plus Danielle came early for the 9:30 class (and she was joined by Larry and Andrea for Coach Bill).

Found this great image here…

So we started with a “Death by Kettlebells” warm-up. This is where you do an increasing rep scheme with 1 kettlebell swing in the first minute, 2 in the next, 3 in the one after that, etc., until you get to 10. In-between the KBSs you work through a mix of other movements… 5 burpees, 5 jumping pull-ups, 5 thoracic high fives, 5 squat-to-stands, and 5 roll-to-candlesticks…

It was a morning where the warm-up definitely got us warm!

Then we started the workout, which as I said was a bit unusual for us.

  • Back Squats: 1-10-1-20-1-30

Start with a heavy 1 rep, then do 10 reps at a lower weight, then do another 1 rep, but heavier, and another 20 reps at a lower weight than the first 10 reps, then do another 1 rep, but heavier, and end with 30 reps at a lower weight than the last 20…

400px-Squats.svgLike I said, it was an interesting rep scheme.

I worked with Lyle, who is a great, younger guy who looks like the traditional pictures of crossfit athletes. Thankfully today he and I were on the same page as far as weights went.

He went a little heavier than I did for the one-reps, but we stayed at the same weights for the 10-20-30…

For me, it went:

  • 1-reps = 245, 250, 255 (actually 252.5 ’cause we forgot a plate, but it was ok)
  • 10-20-30 reps = 155, 135, 115

I’m pretty happy with the results. The multi-rep sets were tough! My one rep (set back in May) is 275, so this was pretty good for me.

Thanks Lyle for hanging with the older guy. 🙂

Meanwhile my wife managed a new one rep max of 175#! Woot! She’s now doing Fran with our friend Danielle, so we’ll see how that goes.

So not a bad day. 🙂

Tomorrow is Karen… 150 wall balls for time. I’m not looking forward to it, but should be ok I hope. Shooting for 10 minutes or less.

b.fatpadRight now I’m treating my right knee with a little kindness. The “fat pad” below the kneecap is inflamed and unhappy at the moment. So I did some ice and now I’ve put some Deep Blue (like Icy Hot) on it. We’ll see if we can get it to be a little less angry.

Ice + Heat + Ibuprofen = win

Hope everybody has a great day!

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